Friday, March 20, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.....

...there are new lambs! We went to the farm on Sunday to see everybody and to see the new little lambs. There is one currently being bottle fed by Larry, so it is somewhat friendly. It would come up to Larry and it liked being petted.

Alex wasn't too sure about petting the lamb at first, but warmed up to him when he found out its fur was soft, like the kitties' fur.

I also got ambitious on Wednesday night and rearranged the furniture in the living room. I had the couch against the window and the chair in the corner and that left quite a bit of unusable space. I moved the couch over to the where the chair was and angled it and then moved the chair to the center. I was afraid the couch wouldn't fit, but I was pleasantly surprised. I did have it flush with the wall, but it looked nicer angled. I now know we could get a sectional couch someday, YAY!!!! Next weekend I am off to Indy for another baby shower, (there must be something in the water!), for Bethie Anderson. I am anxious to see everybody and to see Lisa Lecher's house.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Somthing So Minor

You would think I could be a mature adult about things...but I guess I have my moments:) The monitor on my computer quit, so I have been using the office computer. This has its own set of challenges, due to Eric working at home three days a week. I honestly have not set down at the computer since Thursday afternoon (and I think I was getting a bit panicky). I got a bit whiney with Eric over the monitor, so he is looking at it right now. The odds are in favor of a new one one. I missed being able to check email and facebook. I just felt so out-of-the-loop. With that said, if I am not around much, it is because I still haven't gotten a new monitor and my office time is limited :)