Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Wheels!

After much consideration, we have new wheels. On Wednesday we test drove 3 VUEs fresh on the lot and went with one of them. It is Gun Metal Grey with leather interior. It is about the same size as my Aztek. I'm glad to be in a safer vehicle, especially with the weather.We did get a decent deal and did well with the Aztek trade in. Eric has to take the paper work to the DMV this week to get processed.

We are leaving for Christmas late Thursday morning. Mom is doing dinner at 2 pm. Not sure if anyone but us will be there, but that is a whole nother story. Ed is coming next week and will be here through New Years.

I hope everybody has a safe and joyous holiday season!

Monday, December 15, 2008


We had our first ice storm/freezing temps. day of the season today. It is techinically a "snow day," but since I no longer teach they don't mean what they used to :) We didn't get that much ice, but with temps in the teens and windchills below zero, nothing is melting. I made Eric stay home and he is working in the living room from his work laptop. His new computer will hopefully be here late this week or next. I am putting off getting dressed in favor of my fleece pjs I have on right now. ;) I am still going to take Alex to his appointment, unless Peggy calls and cancels. I will just leave a bit earlier.


We looked at vehicles on Saturday. Didn't really find anything other then VUEs. I think we have decided we want one, but haven't found the right one yet. I am supposed to call the lady today and make an appointment for this afternoon, but I am holding off due to the weather. There are a coupld more VUEs to look at and then we have to make a decision by the end of the week, since my car is really not safe. I haven't been too happy with the selection of vehicles we have to choose from, but I can't do anything about that.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I do apologize for being elusive lately, I have had a lot on my plate. We had IN Christmas this last weekend. Teresa got to unveil her new additions on the house. Unfortunatly, we could not stay long due to my dentist appointment that Friday and Alex's PT on Monday. Ed is supposed to come out at the end of the month and stay with us.

My 'lucky' streak with cars has struck again. (note the sarcasm). My 2001 Pontiac Aztek needs a new transmission. The suv has 150,000 + miles on it and isn't worth what a 'new' (reconditioned) transmission costs. So, I need a car now! What a time to need car!! I am looking at two Saturn VUEs; one is white and the other silver, as well as Ford Escapes. I have cobbled together enough money for a small down payment, but with the credit freeze there is no guarentee we can get a loan for the rest. Then to top it off, Eric's computer also died on Wednesday. Luckily, there is a special Boeing Sale through Dell that ends today. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but he works from home and has to have a computer. I'm not sure why we are being tested at Christmas time. Thankfully all the presents have been purchased, although there will be no tree this year. It would be nice if my family came here this year, instead of us driving up there, but they won't do that. I am just so grateful that Alex won't remember this Christmas. I think it would be a lousey Christmas memory to start with.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not a Turkey

In Eric's way of saying 'Happy Thanksgiving,' he would like you to all know that Alex is not a Turkey, therefore cannot be eaten today. We spent that day home after going to the Powley/Tucker side last weekend. I couldn't find a small enough turkey for the two of us, so we had chicken. Tomorrow I am going to be one of the nut jobs out early shopping. I will be at JC Penny at 4 am tomorrow (yes I know I'm nuts!!). Next week consists of PT, Dentist, Ideal Image, lunch with Colleen and Mary Jo, and IN Christmas. Somewhere in there I need to bake and make fudge!!

Alex had his 6 month check up on Thursday. He grew 1.5 inches, instead of the usual 1 inch. He is 26.5 inches long and 19 pounds. He is right between the 50 and 75 percentile. He had started solid food. He is eating carrots and peas and has Cherrios to snack on. So far, he has been a great eater. If all goes well, he will get applesauce on Tuesday or Wednesday.

On a bit of a somber note, there is a little girl who is 14 months old that needs all the prayers she can get. She is the grandaughter of my 4th grade teacher(who is a classmate of my Dads) and daughter of a former babysitter. She has a rare childhood cancer that has claimed her liver and is possibly going to claim her life. She had a liver transplant earlier this fall and that is doing fine. They found nodes in her lungs that are growing and multiplying. They cannot do much for her because of the liver transplant being so fresh. Because this cancer is so rare, doctors don't really know how to treat it or what the outcome will be. As it stands right now she is not doing well. She needs lots of prayers and well wishes.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Picture Pages

Here is the link for Alex's pictures. Click on client proofing and then Alex.

We are off tomorrow morning for Tucker/Powley Thanksgiving, bookfair Monday morning and PT Monday afternoon! Busy folk!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Books, books, and more BOOKS!

Friday night I went to the Brentwood Borders for a book signing. Laura Numeroff, author of If You Give A Mouse a Cookie among others, was there signing her new book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. I was quite excited. She read three of her books to the crowd, talked about herself and her writing process, and then signed books.
I was in the second group to get books signed and I had two to be signed. The nifty thing was, she and I actually had a conversation. Without even saying anything, she knew I was a teacher and she asked me what I taught. When I told her I had special needs kids, with an emphasis on Autistic and ADD/ADHD kids, she went nuts asking me questions about Autism. She also talked about how many teachers/parents write her letters praising her books because of the repitition. All and all, we spoke for about 10 minutes. I felt privilidged :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


That has been my theme the last couple of weeks! My folks were here last Saturday-Tuesday and I sore they wore me out!! :) Mom got the majority of her christmas shopping accomplished and I took Dad to the History Museum. Mom went with me on Monday to PT to see what Peggy does with Alex and agrees that it is making a difference. Yesterday and today have been cooking, baking, and laundry. Today is Chili Day at Boeing and I had to make two batches of chili since the first one got spilled in the car. (Eric will tell you he doesn't whip around corners, but I am here to tell you other wise). I also managed to fall down the two steps from the house to the garage and I baked and decorated Eric's giant cookie for his birthday.

On a lighter note, Alex is rolling over like mad. He still gets frustrated he can't roll from his front to his back, but he keeps working on it. I started packing away his 3-6 month clothing and getting out 6-9 months. He goes from being 'little' to being 'medium'. Not something I want to think about :)

I did have to disable the anonymous comments feature because of some nasty comments left by anonymous people. If you have a Google, Blogger, or OpenID you can still comment, otherwise you will need to email me directly with comments and questions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't said anything here about the election. This will be the only post addressing this here. The American people have voted a murderer into the White House. 4 million babies a year will continue to be killed while he is in office. For those of you who support the right to "choose", Obama will nationalize health care, so you will no longer have ANY control over your body or medical treatment. Thanks a bunch!

My Dad made the best observation last weekend. "I won't be going to hell. After this election, it will be too full."

I had a hard time trying to sleep last night then I said a Rosery for Obama and those who voted for him, 'casue you folks are going to need all the prayers you can get. I finally got to sleep, after I realized that I had nothing to do with his election. I take peace in that fact. I did not condem millions of children to death. Funny, the only thing that sepereates Obama from Hitler is that goofy mustache.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Almost 2 weeks!!

Sorry it has been so long. I've been running all over the place the past two weeks. We had a great 4 days in IN. Teresa and I spent a day in Evansville. Aunt Mary had a shindig over at her house on the 26 to celebrate Margaret and Rea being in town. Most of the local family was there, in addition to a few out-of-towners.

After coming home that Tuesday, we had PT on Thursday and Friday went home to IL for Halloween! We also took Alex's costume to IN with us so both sides of the family could see him in it. Too bad it was warm in IL (70's), Alex didn't get to wear or enjoy his costume much. He went as a caterpillar. Appearently it was THE costume for infants, because I had to beg, borrow and steal to get it.

I think this image sums up what we will be doing for least until Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

5 months old!

Alex is 5 months old today!!
In other news, we will be leaving for Jasper tomorrow to see Eric's family. We are looking forward to seeing Margaret and Rea, since they will be in town from Minnesota. Saturday, a few of us 'gals' will be going to Evansville to do some shopping. Tonight Colleen and I are going to the Purple Cow in South St. Louis County to their Mom's Night Out. It should be a good time!!
In Eric news: he bought a Wii gaming system that should be here today. That is his birthday and most of Christmas all wrapped into one. He has/will be doing mandatory overtime at work through the end of the year, so this is his "reward".

Monday, October 20, 2008

Low Key

Another big PT breakthrough!!! Alex actually let Peggy work on him and do some stretching. He did get upset, but not for the whole time. He even smiled again at the end. At this point, we are looking at therpy until the end of year, maybe into '09. As long as he is making progress and isn't in pain, I am happy :)


We had a low-key weekend this past one. Didn't do much, other then buy a couple of shelves to put up. Hopefully Eric will find time to put them up this week. My cousin Amy Agatucci got married to Ryan Gobble ( you can giggle, I did :) ) over the weekend in Springfield. Several of Grandpa's brothers and sisters were in the area, but we were unable to see them. Mom, Dad, and Grandpa did, however. I was under the weather last week. I thought it would be a sinus infection, but I never got full-blown sick. I just felt blah for a few days and had a runny nose. Basically, just a cold. Eric was nice and got Alex up and dressed Thursday-Saturday so I could get some extra sleep.

We have yet another beyond busy week. Eric has a meeting tomorrow night, I am going to Annunziata (where I used to work) Wednesday to drop some things off, Thursday Colleen and I are going to an event at the Purple Cow in South county, Friday I ahve a dr's appt., and Friday/Saturdayish we are heading to Jasper for 4 days to see some family!! Somewhere in there I need to start packing and ship a couple of Ebay items. For now, Alex is napping and I am watching Jeopardy.

I thought this was priceless. Alex scootchied himself over on his playmat and was peaking out between his chimes. He enjoyed being there, it didn't bother him a bit!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wedded Bliss

since last I checked in, we have been bbuusssyyy!! Over the last weekend, we attended the wedding of my good friend Gail Baker and her new husband Bob Zwaska in The Haute. We went with Colleen McQuaid-Glattfelt and met her husband John there. We decided to make it an "adults only" weekend and left Alex with my folks. We had a great time and saw lots of people we haven't seen in a while. We even had square donuts!! The highlight was watching John almost take out a Little Old Lady while his picture was being taken.

PT went fabulously this week. The therapist said Alex really made a big breakthrough. He didn't scream that much and he actually smiled at Peggy! She did caution that this isn't the end of his road, more like the beginning. She thinks he is ready for the next "level".

Cats went to the vet this past week and all is well. They told us Gabby was fat, so nothing new there :) Speaking of kitties, I need to run. Molly is trying to step on the keyboard to get my attention and I believe it is working.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy Folks!

Wow, what a busy week so far!! PT and errands Monday, cleaning today, Vet tomorrow, AND going out of town Friday. I am preparing for my folks to come this weekend and watch Alex, while Eric, Colleen, and I go to Terre Haute for the wedding of our friend Gail Baker. I decided to leave Alex at home, since this will probably be the only oppertunity my parents will have to babysit. I cannot lie, I am looking forward to being a away for a bit, even if it is just Terre Haute.

on a PT note, Alex actually made the therapist cry on Monday. He just doesn't want to give control of his body to her. It is working well, he is becoming more flexible in his neck/trunk muscles.


I become an Ebay seller in the last week. I have always been an avid buyer, but I needed some extra holiday $$, so I am selling clothes. My screen name is Sarahmag79 if anyone wants to check out my clothing offerings. There will be more up some time next week.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Naked Stairs!

These are the stairs naked!! Eric also found that there had been previous carpet on the stairs and not all of the staples had been taken up. That meant he had double the staples to take up :( I am glad we found the broken stairs before somebody got hurt on them. Gabby and Molly are both enjoying the large roll of carpet in the front room! Something new to lay on.

PT Update

First off, I would like to wish everyone a 'Happy Fall' Fall has officially hit here in the STL, nice cool temps and cool rain.

Alex had a bit of trouble this week with PT. Last week, he pulled a small muscle in his neck and it started bothering him Thursday night/Friday. Peggy worked with him an hour yesterday and couldn't get his body to "give in" and let her work well. She said he is one of the worst cases she has seen of this problem. Depending on how this week goes, he might be going twice a week starting next week. The more this goes on, the more irritated I get with the hospital where I delivered. As of now, I am not going back there to have subsequent children. I had the choice between there and St. Johns and I think I will go to St. Johns next time.

On a more productive note, we have started some minor remodeling on our house. We took the carpet off of the hallway stairs because I cannot keep it clean/fur free and I have almost fallen down them twice with Alex. When taking up the carpet, we found two flat razor blades and 3 broken stairs. Not 100% sure what we will put on the stairs. I had found a stone laminent that I liked, but Eric doesn't like it. We need to decide soon!! The whole house, sans kitchen and bathrooms, is done in the same nasty dark grey carpet (the rest is done in nasty grey tile!). It was three years old when Eric bought the house, so that makes it 7 years old now. I want most of it gone. We decided that over Christmas break we will replace the dining room carpet and office carpet with snap-together laminent. I really want hard wood, but it is double the price!! This will suffice for now. As soon as I download the pics from the camera, I will post some of the stair ripping!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Four Months and First Cereal

Alex turned 4 months on Tuesday and had his check-up yesterday!! He is just over the 50th percentile on height and 75 for weight. Not bad, he his gaining weight less rapidly, which is good. Developmentally, he at where he should be and ahead in a few areas, especially language (imagine that, my child ahead in language!!). He is starting to roll himself half-way over. At the suggestion of the pediatrician, we started cereal today!! That essentailly sent me out scouring the globe for a Bumbo seat, per Dr. Kranbuhl recomendation. I was hoping to get one used, but they are a hot commidity!! I was discussing it on the phone with Eric and I could hear his co-worker going on and on about them in the background. I ended up with a blue one, as you can see in the pic. I think Alex got two bites of cereal down. He did not get upset or fuss much, so I was glad to see that. Maybe tomorrow we can get three bites down!!
If anyone wants email alerts when I post, please let me know and I will add you to the list!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PT Monday

Alex had PT later then usual on Monday, due to a new OT joining the facility. This allowed Eric to go with us! Alex is making lots of progress. He is much looser in shoulders, neck, and back. He can turn his head from side to side, but still has a bit of a hangup on the one side. We keep working with him and try to make sure he is using his muscles.

Sunday we went home to see my folks and go to the St. Agnes Chicken Dinner. Mom surprised us and switched with a gal at the hospital, so she didn't have to work. Afterward, we went down and watched some golf with Grandpa. It was nice just to spend a bit of "unstructured" time with the family.

Thursday is Alex's four month check-up. I am anxious to see how many inches he has grown since his two month. He is becoming more "torso-y"

Last bit, ( I know, I should have posted Sunday night! :') ) We ask for prayers for a little girl we know. Willamina Clayton, who just turned a year old, had a liver transplant on the 20th. So far she is doing well. They have moved her out of ICU and is now on the Immune Suppressed Floor of Children's Hospital. Please pray for her continued recovery and for her parents Will and Katie.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Round Two

Today was round two of physical therapy. Alex started crying the moment he saw the therapist and didn't stop crying until he was in his carseat ready to go home! He was much looser this week, then previously, but still really tight in his shoulders/neck area. He has two more scheduled PT visits, but I have a feeling they will spill over into October.

It has been a "trying" few days here for me. A dear nun friend/professor/choir director died on Saturday of pancreatic cancer at the age of 57. She had not been sick too long and last I had heard was responding well to the chemo. The husband of my father's cousin Dorothy also passed away over the weekend. (such a close family, I had to read it in the newspaper and call my Dad because nobody told him!). AND to top it off, a priest with whom I know well and his family are friends of my folks had a quite public arrest for cocaine possesion and has bought himself a subsequent rehab stint for a cocaine addiction.
To be a bit cliche, when it rains it DOES pour!

Wednesday I have an Ideal Image appointment and am meeting Colleen for a "night off" and to do a bit of shopping at the Galleria in Richmond Heights. Other then that, it is a fairly open week!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Boy, it did a number on us! It poured rain from 3:30am until 11am. The rain gauge in my front yard says we received 4 in. of rain. There has been widespread flooding here in STL County and in St. Charles County. The scary part of us is the neighbor's tree decided to uproot and land on our lawn. It missed the garage by 3.5 feet!! Definatly divine providence.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Surviving PT

Alex survived his first day of PT. The gal did his eval and determined it wasn't just his neck that was the trouble. It was his back, hips, shoulders, and jaw that are all out of line. I was glad to see he has muscle range of motion in his neck, so nothing in physically wrong with the muscles. He basically is "out of whack" and needs to be realigned. Poor guy wailed the whole time while the gal worked on his muscles. She basically did a lot of massage and relaxing techniques all over his body. We have bought ourselves at least a month in PT, maybe longer. I'm just relieved there is not an injury to his neck muscles. This is all reversible.

Tomorrow I am off to lunch and the Galleria with some friends!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Not a whole lot has been going on this week. Alex will start physical therapy on his neck on Monday. He can only turn his head one way and there was concern that his neck muscles are not working properly. Consequently, he also has a flat spot on his head. He tried to come out sideways, so I'm not surprised there was stress on the muscles. We are going through Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, they have an out patient PT center in Hazelwood, about 15 minutes from our house.

Eric has been working crazy overtime last week and will continue this week. He was approved for 80 additional hours in two weeks, on top of his regular 80. He most likely won't get in 80 additional hours, (that would mean 16 hour days!!), but he will get some extra time in. In fact, he has worked a good chunk of today, Saturday, and I'm sure he'll put in some hours tomorrow.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Post

Hello All!!

This is our first post on the Hopf Family Blog. This will be the place to get all information on Eric, Sarah, Alex, and other "Hopflings" to come. Hopefully by tomorrow I will get some pics up.