Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy Folks!

Wow, what a busy week so far!! PT and errands Monday, cleaning today, Vet tomorrow, AND going out of town Friday. I am preparing for my folks to come this weekend and watch Alex, while Eric, Colleen, and I go to Terre Haute for the wedding of our friend Gail Baker. I decided to leave Alex at home, since this will probably be the only oppertunity my parents will have to babysit. I cannot lie, I am looking forward to being a away for a bit, even if it is just Terre Haute.

on a PT note, Alex actually made the therapist cry on Monday. He just doesn't want to give control of his body to her. It is working well, he is becoming more flexible in his neck/trunk muscles.


I become an Ebay seller in the last week. I have always been an avid buyer, but I needed some extra holiday $$, so I am selling clothes. My screen name is Sarahmag79 if anyone wants to check out my clothing offerings. There will be more up some time next week.

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