Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not a Turkey

In Eric's way of saying 'Happy Thanksgiving,' he would like you to all know that Alex is not a Turkey, therefore cannot be eaten today. We spent that day home after going to the Powley/Tucker side last weekend. I couldn't find a small enough turkey for the two of us, so we had chicken. Tomorrow I am going to be one of the nut jobs out early shopping. I will be at JC Penny at 4 am tomorrow (yes I know I'm nuts!!). Next week consists of PT, Dentist, Ideal Image, lunch with Colleen and Mary Jo, and IN Christmas. Somewhere in there I need to bake and make fudge!!

Alex had his 6 month check up on Thursday. He grew 1.5 inches, instead of the usual 1 inch. He is 26.5 inches long and 19 pounds. He is right between the 50 and 75 percentile. He had started solid food. He is eating carrots and peas and has Cherrios to snack on. So far, he has been a great eater. If all goes well, he will get applesauce on Tuesday or Wednesday.

On a bit of a somber note, there is a little girl who is 14 months old that needs all the prayers she can get. She is the grandaughter of my 4th grade teacher(who is a classmate of my Dads) and daughter of a former babysitter. She has a rare childhood cancer that has claimed her liver and is possibly going to claim her life. She had a liver transplant earlier this fall and that is doing fine. They found nodes in her lungs that are growing and multiplying. They cannot do much for her because of the liver transplant being so fresh. Because this cancer is so rare, doctors don't really know how to treat it or what the outcome will be. As it stands right now she is not doing well. She needs lots of prayers and well wishes.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Picture Pages

Here is the link for Alex's pictures. Click on client proofing and then Alex.

We are off tomorrow morning for Tucker/Powley Thanksgiving, bookfair Monday morning and PT Monday afternoon! Busy folk!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Books, books, and more BOOKS!

Friday night I went to the Brentwood Borders for a book signing. Laura Numeroff, author of If You Give A Mouse a Cookie among others, was there signing her new book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. I was quite excited. She read three of her books to the crowd, talked about herself and her writing process, and then signed books.
I was in the second group to get books signed and I had two to be signed. The nifty thing was, she and I actually had a conversation. Without even saying anything, she knew I was a teacher and she asked me what I taught. When I told her I had special needs kids, with an emphasis on Autistic and ADD/ADHD kids, she went nuts asking me questions about Autism. She also talked about how many teachers/parents write her letters praising her books because of the repitition. All and all, we spoke for about 10 minutes. I felt privilidged :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


That has been my theme the last couple of weeks! My folks were here last Saturday-Tuesday and I sore they wore me out!! :) Mom got the majority of her christmas shopping accomplished and I took Dad to the History Museum. Mom went with me on Monday to PT to see what Peggy does with Alex and agrees that it is making a difference. Yesterday and today have been cooking, baking, and laundry. Today is Chili Day at Boeing and I had to make two batches of chili since the first one got spilled in the car. (Eric will tell you he doesn't whip around corners, but I am here to tell you other wise). I also managed to fall down the two steps from the house to the garage and I baked and decorated Eric's giant cookie for his birthday.

On a lighter note, Alex is rolling over like mad. He still gets frustrated he can't roll from his front to his back, but he keeps working on it. I started packing away his 3-6 month clothing and getting out 6-9 months. He goes from being 'little' to being 'medium'. Not something I want to think about :)

I did have to disable the anonymous comments feature because of some nasty comments left by anonymous people. If you have a Google, Blogger, or OpenID you can still comment, otherwise you will need to email me directly with comments and questions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I haven't said anything here about the election. This will be the only post addressing this here. The American people have voted a murderer into the White House. 4 million babies a year will continue to be killed while he is in office. For those of you who support the right to "choose", Obama will nationalize health care, so you will no longer have ANY control over your body or medical treatment. Thanks a bunch!

My Dad made the best observation last weekend. "I won't be going to hell. After this election, it will be too full."

I had a hard time trying to sleep last night then I said a Rosery for Obama and those who voted for him, 'casue you folks are going to need all the prayers you can get. I finally got to sleep, after I realized that I had nothing to do with his election. I take peace in that fact. I did not condem millions of children to death. Funny, the only thing that sepereates Obama from Hitler is that goofy mustache.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Almost 2 weeks!!

Sorry it has been so long. I've been running all over the place the past two weeks. We had a great 4 days in IN. Teresa and I spent a day in Evansville. Aunt Mary had a shindig over at her house on the 26 to celebrate Margaret and Rea being in town. Most of the local family was there, in addition to a few out-of-towners.

After coming home that Tuesday, we had PT on Thursday and Friday went home to IL for Halloween! We also took Alex's costume to IN with us so both sides of the family could see him in it. Too bad it was warm in IL (70's), Alex didn't get to wear or enjoy his costume much. He went as a caterpillar. Appearently it was THE costume for infants, because I had to beg, borrow and steal to get it.

I think this image sums up what we will be doing for least until Thanksgiving!